Monday, December 17, 2012

[ekonomtrika1] pembahasan PR dan soal uas

seperti yang dijanjikan, berikut adalah pembahasan soal wooldridge. ada yang saya jawab sendiri ada yang dari kunci jawabannya.

untuk sementara scribd dulu ya. file di 4sharednya susah diupload 

sedangkan untuk jawaban asis mengenai uas tahun lalu,  bisa di donwload disini

selamat UAS teman - teman...
sukses ya :)

sampai jumpa di ekonometrika 2 :p

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Soal dan Jawaban Asistensi PE1 Price discrimination, monopolistik, oligopoli

Guys, ini adalah soal dan jawan bahan asistensi pe1.
soal diambil dari soal UAS tahun-tahun lalu dan jawaban didapat dari parkin edisi 9 dan 10.
semoga bermanfaat.
2006/2007 (20%): Price discrimination
Apa yang Anda ketahui tentang persoalan diskriminasi harga dalam pasar monopoli? Jelaskan selengkapnya!
Price discrimination is the practice of selling different units of a good or service for different prices.
To be able to price discriminate, a monopoly must:
1. Identify and separate different buyer types.
2. Sell a product that cannot be resold.
Price differences that arise from cost differences are not price discrimination.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Bahan Asistensi Lab Ekonometrika 1 dan metolak

slide lab ekonometrika 1 tentang endogenitas dan tes spesifikasi sudah bisa di download..
untuk kelas metode penelitian akuntansi, slide pertemuan kedua dan pertama


sukses ya untuk UASnya :)


Soal dan Jawaban Kuis & ASIS TERAKHIR PE1

Teman teman PE G, berikut adalah soal dan jawaban kuis 2 kita. dan asis terakhir bisa di download disini

soal dan jawaban ini diambil dari Parkin edisi 10 ya..

KUIS 2 Pengantar Ekonomi1

Dosen: Mustafa Edwin Nasution
Asdos: Venty

1.  Ernie's Earmuffs produces 200 earmuffs per year at a total cost of $2,000 and $400 of this cost is fixed. What is Ernie's total variable cost?
A) $2,400        B) $2,000                    C) $1,600                    D) $800
2. Are the short-run average total cost curve and the long-run average cost both U-shaped for the same reasons? If so, carefully explain these reasons. If not, explain why each curve is U-shaped.
Answer:  The curves are U-shaped for quite different reasons. In the short run, the firm's plant, that is, its _ _ _ , is _ _ _. Therefore the only way to increase output is by increasing the quantity of the variable factor, _ _ _. Initially as _ _ _ increases, there are gains from specialization and division of labor, which leads the _ _ _  to rise and the average total cost to fall as more workers are employed. Eventually, however, the firm runs up against its capital constraint and workers must share tools and building space. As this happens, decreasing marginal returns begin and average total cost eventually begins to rise.
In the long run, both _ _ _ and _ _ _ are _ _ _. As a firm expands its use of both factors, gains from specialization of both labor and capital cause average total costs to fall. Eventually, however, the business becomes so large it is difficult to coordinate and control. When this happens, average total cost begins to rise.
3. What are economies of scale? What is the main source of economies of scale? Explain the difference between increasing marginal returns and economies of scale.
4. If the minimum efficient scale of a firm is small relative to the demand for the good, then
A) many small firms can compete in the market.
B) several large firms will enter the market thereby reducing competition.
C) there will be no economic profits for any small firms, so no new firms will ever enter the market.
D) the firms already in the market have lower average total cost than any new firm entering the market.
5. In perfect competition, restrictions on entry into an market 
A) apply to both capital and labor.                 B) apply to labor but not to capital.
C) apply to capital but not to labor.                D) do not exist.

Ringkasan Pelanggaran Asumsi OLS

Sedikit ringkasan kasar yang sangat ringkas sebagai guideline dalam belajar aja sih
semoga membantu :)

ringkasan ini mengikuti sistematika definisi, sumber, konsekuensi, deteksi, dan solusi untuk masalah autokorelasi, heteroskedastisitas, multikolinearitas, dan endogenitas
Ringkasan Pelanggaran Asumsi OLS

Monday, December 10, 2012

jawaban asis Pengantar Ekonomi 1 Monopoli dan Pasar Persaingan sempurna

teman-teman.. ini jawaban asis..
tapi ini cuma copas dari slide parkin ya. dan jangan terpaku sama jawaban ini aja..

2007/2008 (20%)
  1. Banyak ekonom berkebaratan dengan struktur pasar monopoli karena adanya dead weight loss (DWL). Jelaskan selengkapnya apa yang dimaksud dengan DWL, apa kaitannya dengan efisiensi, dan mengapa hal itu bisa terjadi. Akan lebih baik jika penjelasan Anda memuat perbandingan secara grafis antara pasar monopoli dengan pasar persaingan sempurna.
Monopoly is inefficient. At the competitive equilibrium, marginal social benefit equals marginal social cost; total surplus is maximized; firms produce at the lowest possible long-run average cost; and resource use is efficient.

Because P > MR, and because MR = MC, P > MC—single-price monopoly under-produces and creates deadweight loss. Because price exceeds marginal social cost, marginal social benefit exceeds marginal social cost, and a deadweight loss arises.
Rent seeking uses further resources so potentially the social cost of monopoly is the sum of the deadweight loss and the economic profit that a monopoly might earn.
Any surplus—consumer surplus, producer surplus, or economic profit—is called economic rent.
Rent seeking is the pursuit of wealth by capturing economic rent. 
Rent seekers pursue their goals in two main ways:
§  Buy a monopoly—transfers rent to creator of monopoly.
§  Create a monopoly—uses resources in political activity.

Adam Smith described the situation thus: “People in the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in some contrivance to raise prices.”