teman-teman.. ini jawaban asis..
tapi ini cuma copas dari slide parkin ya. dan jangan terpaku sama jawaban ini aja..
2007/2008 (20%)
- Banyak ekonom berkebaratan dengan struktur pasar monopoli karena adanya dead weight loss (DWL). Jelaskan selengkapnya apa yang dimaksud dengan DWL, apa kaitannya dengan efisiensi, dan mengapa hal itu bisa terjadi. Akan lebih baik jika penjelasan Anda memuat perbandingan secara grafis antara pasar monopoli dengan pasar persaingan sempurna.
Monopoly is
inefficient. At the competitive equilibrium, marginal social benefit equals marginal
social cost; total
surplus is maximized; firms produce at the lowest possible long-run average cost; and resource use is efficient.
Because P
> MR, and because MR = MC, P > MC—single-price
monopoly under-produces and creates deadweight loss. Because price exceeds marginal social cost, marginal social
benefit exceeds marginal social cost, and
a deadweight loss arises.
Rent seeking
uses further resources so potentially the social cost of monopoly is the sum of
the deadweight loss and the economic profit that a monopoly might earn.
Any surplus—consumer
surplus, producer surplus, or economic profit—is called economic rent.
Rent seeking is
the pursuit of wealth by capturing economic rent.
seekers pursue their goals in two main ways:
Buy a
monopoly—transfers rent to creator of monopoly.
Create a
monopoly—uses resources in political activity.
Adam Smith
described the situation thus: “People in the same trade seldom meet together,
even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in some contrivance
to raise prices.”
- Anda kenal bentuk PPS dan monopoli
dan jelaskan karakteristik masing-masing pasar dan implikasinya pada kekuatan (market power) perusahaan di pasar.
apa implikasinya karakteristik free entry
dan free exit dalam pasar
persaingan sempurna dan bagaimana entry-exit
ini terjadi.
caranya perusahaan menentukan jumlah barang (Q) yang akan diproduksi dan
tingkat harganya dengan tujuan memaksimumkan keuntungan
yang memegang kekuatan monopoli dikatakan tidak efisien dibandingkan dengan
perusahaan pada pasar persaingan sempurna. Jelaskan dengan 1 grafik!
Pasar Persaingan
Sempurna: The perfect competition model serves as a benchmark and
its predictions work in a wide range of real markets. Set the scene for
appreciating the power of the perfect competition model with a physical
analogy. Explain that physicists often use the model of a “perfect vacuum” to
understand our physical world. For example, to predict how long it will take a
50 pound steel ball to hit the ground if it is dropped from the top of the
Empire State Building, you will be very close to the actual time if you assume
a perfect vacuum and use the formula that applies in that case. Friction from
the atmosphere is obviously not zero, but assuming it to be zero is not very
misleading. In contrast, if you want to predict how long it will take a feather
to make the same trip, you need a fancier model!
Economists use the
model of “perfect competition” in a similar way to understand our economic
world. Emphasize to students that although no real world industry meets the
full definition of perfect competition, the behavior of firms in many real
world industries and the resulting dynamics of their market prices and
quantities can be predicted to a high degree of accuracy by using the model of
perfect competition.
Many firms sell identical products to many buyers.
There are no restrictions to entry into the
Established firms have no advantages over new ones.
Sellers and buyers are well informed about prices.
Price taking. Be sure to spend a few minutes
providing intuition to ensure that your students understand why firms in
perfect competition are price takers: They can offer to sell for a lower price,
but they’re giving profits away; and they can ask for a higher price, but no
one will pay. You might like to note that if the market is not in equilibrium,
the firm isn’t a price taker. If there is a shortage, firms can get away with a
higher price and they ask for more. That’s how prices rise. If there is a
surplus, firms offer a lower price to move their product. That’s how prices
fall. But in equilibrium, there is nothing to do but take the going price. And
competitive markets get to equilibrium fast.
Pasar Monopoli
- That produces a good or service for which no close substitute exists
- In which there is one supplier that is protected from competition by a barrier preventing the entry of new firms.
- implikasinya karakteristik free entry dan free exit dalam pasar persaingan sempurna
respond to economic profit and economic loss
by either entering or exiting a market. New firms enter a market in which existing firms are making an economic profit. Firms exit a market in
which they are
incurring an economic loss. Temporary economic profit and temporary economic loss don’t trigger entry and exit. It’s the prospect of
persistent economic profit or
loss that triggers entry and exit.
Entry and
exit change the market supply, which influences
the market price, the quantity produced by each
firm, and its economic profit (or loss).
If firms
enter a market, supply increases and the market
supply curve shifts rightward. The increase in supply lowers the market price and eventually eliminates economic profit. When economic profit
reaches zero, entry stops.
If firms
exit a market, supply decreases and the market
supply curve shifts leftward. The market price rises and economic loss decreases. Eventually, economic loss is eliminated and exit stops.
- perusahaan menentukan jumlah barang (Q) yang akan diproduksi dan tingkat harganya dengan tujuan memaksimumkan keuntungan pada pasar persaingan sempurna
The firm produces the
quantity of output for which the difference between total revenue and total
cost is at its maximum because this difference is its economic profit.
Marginal analysis can be
used to determine the profit maximizing quantity. The firm compares the marginal revenue (which
remains constant with output) to the marginal cost (which changes with output) of
producing different levels of output.
When MR > MC, then the extra revenue from selling one more unit exceeds
the extra cost of producing one more unit, so the firm increases its output to
increase its profit.
When MR < MC, then the extra cost of producing one more unit exceeds the
extra revenue from selling one more unit, so the firm decreases its output to
increase its profits
When MR = MC, then the extra cost of producing one more unit equals the
extra revenue from selling one more unit, so the firm’s profit is maximized at
this level of output.
In the figure the firm produces 4 units of output because
that is the quantity that sets the firm’s marginal cost equal to its marginal
revenue, that is, MR = MC. The firm then charges the going market price of $30 for its
d. Sama seperti yang dipertanyaan no 1
2009/2010 (20%)
- Dari sudut pandang kesejahteraan masyarakat, kenapa perusahaan monopoli mencerminkan inefisiensi dibandingkan dengan bentuk oasar yang lainnya seperti PPS?
- Jelaskan kapan perusahaan akan mengambil keputusan untuk “temporary shutdown” dan mengapa keputusan tersebut diambil. Tunjukkan dalam tingkatkan harga dan output mana perusahaan berada pada posisi indifferent antara terus berproduksi dan shutting down. Juga tunjukkan besaran kerugian yang ditanggung perusahaan jika perusahaan mengambil keputusan “shutdown”
b. If the firm makes an
economic loss, it must decide to exit the market or to stay in the market.
If the firm decides to stay in the market, it must decide whether to
produce something or to shut down temporarily.
The decision will be the one that minimizes the firm’s loss.
The rationale for temporary
shutdown isn’t confined to perfect competition and that they can see the
phenomenon right around the corner. Many restaurants close on Sunday evening
and Monday. Many hairdressers close on Sunday and Monday. Why? Your students
will easily figure out that total revenue is less than total variable cost and
equivalently that price is less than average variable cost.
mechanics of the shutdown analysis will be a lot easier to explain once the
students have thought about these real situations with which they are familiar.
would a restaurant open on days it knows business will be bad? Monday
is typically the slowest day in the restaurant industry. So why do so many
restaurants stay open on Monday? The answer is that even if a restaurant incurs
an economic loss on Monday, it still might increase its total profit by
remaining open. The point is that as long as the restaurant can cover all its
variable costs—the cost of the food, the cost of the servers, and so on—it
likely will be able to pay some of its fixed costs using the revenue left over
after paying its variable costs. As long as the restaurant can pay some of its
fixed costs on Monday, its total profit by staying open exceeds what its total
profit would be if it closed. So losing money on Monday might be good business
Jelaskan dengan diagram struktur
pasar persaingan sempurna yang mendapat: a) untung, b) kondisi break even, c) yang merugi.
Jelaskan pula apa yang dimaksud dengan d) shutdown point? Kemudian, apabila perusahaan merugi, e) kapan
perusahaan harus keluar dari industri?
Operating a business at zero economic profit.
Students are often skeptical that a zero economic profit is an acceptable
outcome for an entrepreneur. The key is to reinforce the meaning of normal
A rational decision is one that is based on a weighing of
the full opportunity cost of each alternative against its full benefits—for a
firm weighing the total revenue against the opportunity cost for each
Opportunity cost includes the benefits from forgone
opportunities as well as explicit costs. One of these forgone opportunities is
that of the entrepreneur pursuing her/his next best activity.
The value of this forgone opportunity is normal profit.
So, when a firm makes zero economic profit, the entrepreneur
earns normal profit and enjoys the same benefits as those available in the next
best activity. There is no incentive to change to the next best activity.
This economic loss is a signal for
firms to exit the market.
As exit takes place, supply decreases and the market supply curve shifts leftward toward S*. As supply decreases with no change in demand, the
price gradually rises from $17 to $20 a
sweater. At this
higher price, losses are eliminated, each firm makes zero economic profit, and exit stops.
Exit results in a decrease in market
output, but each
firm’s output increases. Because the price rises, each firm moves up its supply curve and
produces more. Because the number of firms
decreases, the market
produces less.
Parkin, Michael.Economics 10th.
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